Hi There 👋, Fil Here!

My name is Filipo Ferrando and i am a CS Student with the passion of racing; my strengths are definitely networking, programming and usage | management of unix-based systems.

I consider myself a stubborn person but always ready to learn something new, independent and capable of solving problems of various kinds.

Filippo Ferrando

Simultaneously with my university studies I work with Elemento Cloud to revolutionize the cloud services industry

I have different passions such as Karting where I have learned many notions of mechanics and driving this passion made me much more involved in knowing more about 2-stroke engine, from basic physical phenomena to more advanced tuning so i've read many books on the argument and made some little experimentation at home.
I'm now working some weekends as a mechanic in a karting team, i'm following a young pilot who is competing in an Italian single-brand championship.

Also i'm a guitar player from the age of 6, i've studied classical guitar almost for 10 years and now i'm studying electric guitar.

I am very interested in the field of study I am following now, the topics that attract me most are Blockchain technologies, IoT and cybersecurity, i'm planning (after the bachelor degree @ UniTo) to undertake the studies of Cyber Security (although I have yet to decide which university) to perhaps become a Cyber Designer.

Working in the Computer Science (or actually any tech-related) field is not reduced only to carrying out the work itself, I believe instead that it is a way of approaching life; this sector requires constant updating of one's skills to always keep up and not everyone is willing to follow such a path. On my Github you can find more technical information about my skills.